the subaru chronicles
"Peter Shubaru" - Acquired by Serg and Jeff while living in the "Driftstone Apartments" on 5th Street in Downtown San Jose. Price: $50.00.
Special Features: Completely fried clutch - car was immobile. It was towed to the resting spot pictured here with the Mustang and a tow dolly. Note the pristine bodywork.
The "shubaru" term was coined from the previous owners pronounciation and it was sold for $375 - or so.
"Breema" Subaru. Owner - Serg
Personalized Plate :Breema. Serg bought it to immediately resell. Bill, Serg and I decided to take a spin in the Breema Subaru. We ended up in Livermore.
We found a "dirt road" that looked a little damp. Also we were idiots. What a great place to check out the four wheel drive, and not stir up a cloud of dust. To say the mud was soft would be an understatement. The car was up to the axles- there was one dry spot- where the photo on the right was taken.
Serg was a little concerned about getting the car stuck.
It took us a while to get the thing out of the vinyard, and back to the road at about .3 mph....
Needless to say, with the wheels, brakes and wheelwells packed with mud (and thrown way off balance) it shook like crazy back on the road. Serg was concerned, to say the least.